Hidden Dangers of Snow

Damage from Snow Storm
The forecast for tomorrow is for another 2 – 4 inches of snow in the DFW Metroplex and the news media is starting their wave of “Safe Driving Tip” announcements and warnings.
Every time there is a threat of snow or icy conditions in the DFW Metroplex you start to see news stories about “How to Drive in Snowy Conditions” or “5 Tips for Driving in Bad Conditions”.
However, what is sometimes not mentioned is that the effects of a heavy snow or ice can be more than just driving related. One of these effects can be caused by something as simple as where you park your car during a snow storm. Falling tree branches, downed power lines and sliding cars can cause more damage to your car while it’s parked than driving in these hazardous conditions. However, it’s the accidents while driving that garner most of the media’s attention.
Be Careful Where You Park
I recently experienced damage to my car (2007 Jeep Commander) from parking under a tree in the last snow storm when a large branch broke and a splinter from the branch lodged itself in between my hood and my windshield wipers. Wow.. what a weird accident. I thought that my car would be safe if I was inside my house next to the fire. I guess I was wrong.
Later that same day I witnessed a Ford Trail Blazer slide into the back of my neighbors car right in front of my house. The Trail Blazer was fine but my neighbors little Saab got the worst of it and lost it’s rear bumper, tail lights and has a crumpled trunk.
Before something like this happens to your vehicle please take a quick look at these tips for making sure your vehicle is safe even when you are not driving.
Non Driving Tips to Keep Your Car Safe During Snow / Icy Weather:
1) Park your car in a garage
If you do this you can probably ignore all of the other tips. However, not everyone has a garage and even some of us with 2 car garages can’t get both cars into the garage so one stays out unprotected.
2) Don’t leave your car in a public parking lot – especially in a large parking lot
The worst place you can leave your car during a snow storm has to be the Mall parking lot. Besides the fact that there is a high volume of cars, large parking lots are magnets for those that want to do doughnuts or cause mischief.
3) Never park on a public street or the side of the highway
During icy / snowy road conditions it’s a fact that it’s hard to bring a sliding car under control. Even if you follow all of the “Safe Driving Tip” articles it’s still hard to bring a sliding car to a stop once it starts. So the best bet for where to park your car during a snow storm is in your driveway or garage and not on the street.
4) Don’t park under trees or objects that may collapse
One of the biggest causes of damage to cars during snowstorms is roof collapses. The mostly happens at apartment complexes where the roof covering is a thin metal roof and not capable of handling excessive snow accumulation. These metal roofs can’t withstand the amount of weight that a heavy snow or ice storm can bring and sometimes collapse.
Your best during heavy snow or ice is to not park under these structures but in an area without a covering. However, this might put your car at risk in an open parking lot but at least you won’t risk the roof collapsing on your car. Yes, your car will be covered with snow from not being under any protection but that’s better than having the roof fall on top of your car.
If you do #1 you won’t have any problems but not everyone has a garage to keep their car in during snow / icy conditions.
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